Bolivia Peaberry
(Sold Out)
Tasting Notes
FLAVOR: Chocolate, Wine, Citrus
BODY: Medium, Smooth
Recommended Roast Level
Medium or Dark
About the Coffee
This is a small microlot from Bolivia -- the most complex and sweet and well sorted Bolivia we've ever come across. It was grown in the Andes Mountains at 6,000 feet altitude, in what s known as the Yungus region which has a rainy climate. It's only the peaberries, which are not common in Bolivia.
Bolivia coffee has been harder to source as a lot of farmers in the past few years have torn up their coffee bushes and planted cocaine in its place.
Compared to the other South American coffees, Bolivia is most closely comparable to a Peru. At this medium roast level you taste winey grape, stonefruit, grapefruit, chocolate, a lot of sweetness. It is smooth, mellow, full bodied, and surprisingly delicious. At dark roast it is perfect for espresso. Creamy, chocolatey, fruity. Darker than that is not recommended as it does start to become bitter and burnt. Light roast is also not recommended as it has a tartness which I would describe as tasting underroasted.
Region Yungus
Altitude 6000 ft
Wet Hulled
December - March
Fair Trade, Organic
8oz bag - $10
16oz bag - $15
5lb bag - $60